Saturday, April 25, 2009

Intro into my art

My art is spontaneous, hot off the top of my head, design versus stylisation, crude versus tender & sensitive, bold and colourful or finely detailed. All depends on mood at the time. I'm not for "art from the soul" because that's where all our feelings come from, so that's obvious. Sometimes my hands can't handle gentle, so bold it will go...other times soft and delicate.

Print-making is my forte along with fine pen or fine-liner drawings. Prints show a diversity of technique and subject matter. Lino's are usually black & white with textures and cutting marks contrasting with open, white areas. Monoprints are free, spontaneous and without much planning for the end product, rather allowing the subject to be unpredictable. Colour monoprints include using transparent inks so that a vast colour range appears.

The new series I'm working on includes the "Curtain Raiser" series which net curtains have been used to print on an etching press, then turned into collages with embossing.

Pencil drawings include a series of erotic plant forms. These are large and very detailed, also developed from imaginative plant forms, no pre-sketching or planning, just adding onto forms as I fill the format.

Abstract work features more in my paintings where I allow the paint or ink to be mixed and smudged together making interesting surfaces. Sometimes I leave them as they happen, other times I work into them to complete them more.